How Important is it That You Are in Alignment With the Purpose of Your Life?
How Important is it That You Are in Alignment With the Purpose of Your Life?
The question of how important is it that you are in alignment with God's purpose for your life is an easy one to answer and deserves some attention. That's a question that is asked of every born-again Christian and non-Christian every day. (It should be noted that all people pray in the sense of wanting something back.) For the sake of discussion let's say that there is one person who is totally in alignment with God's purposes for his or her life.
|How Important is it That You Are in Alignment With the Purpose of Your Life?
The question of how important is it that you are in alignment with God's purpose for your life is an easy one to answer and deserves some attention. That's a question that is asked of every born again Christian and non-Christian every day. (It should be noted that all people pray in the sense of wanting something back.) For the sake of discussion let's say that there is one person who is totally in alignment with God's purposes for his or her life.
}This person goes about his/her life without a care in the world. This person has no cares, worries, hopes, desires or concerns. He just focuses on what he needs to do in order to get what he wants out of his life. Now, does this person's lack of concern for himself or others indicate that he is not in alignment with the purpose of his life?
Most Christians would say yes. How so? If we assume (and we must assume) that God is the one who created the purposes of our lives then the conclusion that can logically follow from this is that there is a purpose for everything including our life. If we base our faith, thoughts, desires, responsibilities and priorities on God's purposes for our life then we are in alignment with the purpose of our life.
How can this knowledge affect your life? It can help you grow personally and professionally. It can give you a purpose for the dreams and aspirations that lay in your future. And most important, it can help you live a life in alignment with the purpose of your life - today and right here.
What do we mean by living in alignment with the purpose of your life? Well, it means that you are living a life that is inspired, purposeful and ultimately meaningful. So many people go through life without any idea of what their purpose might be, let alone the reason behind it. They just happen to wake up in the morning and have a "back to school" day, an anniversary, a new promotion... whatever, but without knowing what they are actually doing with their lives.
The first step in aligning your life with your purpose is to figure out what your life's purpose is. What is your purpose in life? Are you fulfilling a vision of perfection for yourself? Or are you just in it to have fun? You can find your purpose by asking yourself questions like, what would I like to accomplish in one year? What would I love to experience?
Once you know your purpose for living, then you can start living your life according to that purpose. The easiest way to do this is to write down your goals and then write down your actions to achieve those goals. That is basically saying that you are in alignment with the purpose of your life. When you are in alignment with the purpose of your life, you are in alignment with the purpose of everything else in your life.
So how can you make sure that you are in alignment with the purpose of your life? It's really not that hard - you just have to pay attention to the things that matter most to you. Whether it's your family or your career or your spirituality, if you are spending most of your time worrying about something other than the true nature of your life, you will never get anywhere. So give yourself permission to be happy, find your passion, and start living your life according to its true nature.
|{The Question of Why Did God Create Us to Be Good and to Love Others?
Why did God create us to be good and give affection to those who are dear to Him? What's the reason for that? Is it just so we're not tempted? Are we being set up to meet a certain destiny? What's wrong with that?
|The Question of Why Did God Create Us to Be Good and to Love Others?
Why did God create us to be good and give affection to those who are dear to Him? What's the reason for that? Is it just so we're not tempted? Are we being set up to meet a certain destiny? What's wrong with that?
}What if I told you there is a better reason for why God made us to be what we are? What if I told you that's the way He wanted things to be? Would you believe? If you believed that, you might begin to see the errors of your faith. You may find it's hard to believe that there's a better explanation for events. If you're like most people, though, you have no trouble at all believing that God made us to be what we are.
You might think, "Well, that answer makes perfect sense, and I already know the truth. It fits with my understanding of how the universe works." That might be true, but I'm still not convinced it's the best answer.
What if I told you there are other ways to look at the universe that don't make sense? What if I told you that you'll have to change your way of thinking in order to see the Fountain of Living Water? What if I told you that when you're willing to look at things in a new way, you'll see that there are other answers besides the one you've been led to believe? You might think I'm crazy, but I'm not. People have been doing it all along, by following God's command to love Him with all their heart, mind and strength, and to walk in honesty and humility before God.
The problem is that most people want to live by that standard. They don't want to look at things any differently, because they're afraid they'll discover they don't live up to that standard. They fear looking at things from a different perspective. They fear being "silly." People who are open to alternative ideas and who are willing to stop using their "god is greater" logic to try to justify anything, are few and far between.
But there are others who are much more likely to do that. Those who find joy in knowing they are, indeed, a creation of God, and that He loves them and wants them to be happy. Those who accept that they were given a chance to live a life of purpose, even if it's in a slightly unusual way. Those who believe that there is a purpose for everything, and that the purpose we are living is to glorify God. Those who believe that there's something more than what we've ever seen out of God, and that what He's doing in their lives is pointing back toward Him.
If you truly understand the answer to that question, then you can begin to see why God created us to be good. Because He wants us to be. Because He has a reason for everything. Because He's not just" Loving you because You Are" - that's silly. Because He's pointing to Him.
Instead of asking, "Why did god create us to be good and love others?" you need to ask, "What does He want us to do?" And then begin to do it. Instead of sitting around wondering why God gave us some of the responsibilities that are thrust upon us in life, take the bull by the horns and figure out a plan to see those responsibilities fulfilled.
Instead of asking, "Why did God create us to be good and to love others?" you'll want to say, "Because He loves me." Stop trying to convince people that they have to be good because it's the right thing to do. Stop trying to convince them to think or feel differently than they already think or feel.
Instead of wondering if you'll ever meet your true love, stop trying to convince yourself that you'll find it eventually. Why? Because if you're still searching for someone to love when you know that you don't really even know where it is, how will you ever know that it exists? What's the point of chasing a dream when you know that the only person who can ever answer the burning question on your lips! So quit trying to convince yourself that you can find it or someone else can.
Instead of asking, "Why did God create us to be good and to love others? ", you need to say, "I am happy for what I am and I'm thankful that He sent me to share my joy with others." If you believe that God gave you a promise to share your joy and happiness with people, that's wonderful. But the most powerful kind of joy and happiness is not found in someone else's arms. It's found inside of you.
|{Why Does God Want Us to Help Others?
Why does God want us to help others? One of my favorite sayings is, "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." What a beautiful expression of the truth! God is love because He wants us to help others.
|Why Does God Want Us to Help Others?
Why does God want us to help others? One of my favorite sayings is, "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." What a beautiful expression of the truth! God is love because He wants us to help others.
}God has made it a law that we should help one another. God wants us to have mercy on the poor and the needy. God wants us to be a blessing to those that are hurting. How can we assist another without causing more harm?
It is not selfish to want to help others. Jesus said, "If you love me, you'll serve Me. If you don't love me, you won't serve me." God knows our weaknesses, but He also knows our strengths.
God wants us to help because He wants to finish what He started. If we don't help others, we will end up getting left behind. If we don't help now, when the need arises next week, how many others will be there? How many more people will we have to help? Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you."
If we want to accomplish something, then we need help. A lot of us tend to think that it is enough just to know that someone exists who is doing the same thing as us. If we don't get help, then we feel that our part is already done. When I want to make changes in my life, I speak with my spouse, I go into the kitchen and ask for assistance. If I don't ask, then how can I expect others to help?
What good can come out of helping someone else if I'm not also doing my part? I'm only one person. How can I expect to help others if I don't even know what they need? What I need to do is get outside myself and get involved.
God created people to walk in His presence. We are to love each other and help each other. Helping others would be a perfect way to show this to God. I can do this.
It's our job as Christians to reach out and help the lost and hurting. I know it's tempting to sit back and let others solve these problems for me. But I can't let my responsibility get in the way of loving God. If I do, then I'll miss out on all the opportunities that come my way. God wants to help us do our best so we can go home happy.
Jesus said to feed his hungry spirit, and feed my poor spirit. He gave his life to help those who were lost and struggling. I can do the same. I can't expect God to look down on me and give me His favor if I'm not going to help myself first.
We have been made in God's image. Why does God want us to help others? It's because He wants us to go up higher than others. To serve Him more fully and become like Him. Only by becoming like him can we help others.
When I'm asked, "Why does God want us to help others?" I can't help but notice that my heart just points back to that question. That's the truth. I need to help people more. That's what being a Christian is really about.
Helping others isn't just a nice feeling. It's what God wants us to do. If we're not helping other Christians then why should we even be a Christian? Isn't true that when we die our soul returns to God, so why are we doing any of this work?
We have been given a certain amount of grace. God gave us that grace to help other Christians. Why do we refuse to share it with them?
|{What is the Meaning of God's Design?
What is the meaning of God's design for the universe and for us as individuals? Many deny that God's word means anything at all. They will say things like, "God doesn't mean anything," or "God is simply an idea" or even "God is dead." These are only a few of the nonsense statements made by these so called experts. None of these is true.
|What is the Meaning of God's Design?
What is the meaning of God's design for the universe and for us as individuals? Many deny that God's word means anything at all. They will say things like, "God doesn't mean anything," or "God is simply an idea" or even "God is dead." These are only a few of the nonsense statements made by these so called experts. None of these is true.
}The word "God" does not mean anything. It simply describes something that makes sense. In the first place, it is a word that was not used before the time of God, according to the Bible. God did not speak a word when He created the universe and everything in it. Nothing was before the Word.
That is why there is something rather vague in God's word, if it can be called a word at all. Some people may attempt to interpret the Word of God from a scientific point of view, but this is not going to provide any help, because there is simply no scientific method by which to explain how the universe and life on earth came about. There are too many theories out there to try to jam the Word of God into a particular framework.
What is the meaning of God's design for the universe and life on earth? The meaning is that there is a supreme Creator. Through the universe and in-between the universe and our own existence, there must have been something supremely intelligent who created it and watched over it for eons. This supreme intelligence didn't become like us, until we came along and began to worship it.
So, what is the meaning of God's design for the human race? The meaning is that there is a personal Creator who has created us and is still watching over us. In fact, the whole purpose of this question is to show how meaningless the whole idea of god is. You don't need to have a "god" so that you will be saved. It doesn't matter where you go or what you do, you will still be saved because there is a personal God who will save you. If there wasn't a personal God, there would be no salvation because there would be nothing for you to do or accomplish.
What is the meaning of God's design for the universe and life on earth? The meaning is that the design is meaningless and the fact that the word design means "shape" and "design" are simply an accident of grammar. If you want to call it "God's" it doesn't matter, because the word has no meaning in and of itself. The word "God" doesn't mean anything, other than that it is a creator.
In order for someone to ask what the meaning of God's design is they need to remove the word "God" from the equation. This is obviously impossible, but that is the implication you are left with. You cannot have a creator because the word "God" has a meaning which changes everything. It changes the entire universe and it changes the way you feel about anything.
So, when someone asks you what is the meaning of God's design you can't give them any useful information. Instead, you need to say, "I don't know." And then they can think about what it might mean to them without needing to use any fancy words. The only way they'll ever answer the question is if they are willing to believe that a personal God exists and that He has a plan for everything. If they are willing to do that, they'll be able to get the meaning of God's design for themselves and then they'll be able to explain it to you.
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