What Is the Difference Between the Soul, Spirit Mind, and Creative Mind?
What Is the Difference Between the Soul, Spirit Mind, and Creative Mind?
What is the difference between the spirit mind and the human mind? It all begins with our understanding of what each is and how it works. We see that someone indeed related the spirit and mind to each other. They are both related to the greater whole of who we are.
The soul, or the "soul" as some people may know it, is the part of us that is not our flesh but the inner being or immortal soul. It is the original form of ourselves and will remain that way forever. It is immortal, meaning it does not die. It does not go through physical death. Our soul is in fact spirit and our spirit has a corresponding body, which is the physical body.
The body is only temporary, and while we are alive, the body has many uses. When we die, the soul leaves the physical body and takes over the physical form. In fact, it is the soul that makes the body grow old, and what happens when the spirit leaves the body is that the soul returns to its original form. Once it returns the physical form no longer needs food or oxygen, and so it becomes a skeleton and eventually ceases to exist. It existed before the physical being was created and so was created with it.
The spirit or the "soul" is the part that is immortal and has no need for food, oxygen, or anything else. It is pure spirit and perfect. It cannot be corruptible, nor can we make it suffer. The mind is only trying to guide the soul and keep it from doing what is wrong. The soul doesn't want to do wrong, and so the mind tries to make the soul do what is right.
But the mind cannot create what is the difference between the soul and the physical. That is something that the spirit can do. We are all spirits of light, and we are aware of that. What we are is always changing from moment to moment. We are spirits of light that transcend the limitations of physical life. That is why the soul is not limited and why it can do things that the physical mind cannot.
As a spirit, the soul does not have the fear of dying. It knows that it will never die, but it can be scared. If it gets scared, it will do what is necessary to survive, such as teleporting away or dematerializing.
However, if the soul transcends death, it will leave the body and go to the place where it belongs. That place is the mind. What is the difference between the soul and the mind? Well, the soul is the creative mind, and the mind is the most creative part of us. When the creative spirit dies, there is nothing to create, but the mind comes to life and can create. That is why there is life after death.
Why is death important? The fact of death is the end of something that was. That is why we are afraid of dying. We do not want to go to hell because we think that if we die, there will be nothing for us after death. So, when you ask yourself, what is the difference between the soul and the mind, remember that the spirit is immortal and creative while the mind is creative but finite.
What are they can also compare the difference between the soul and the mind to the idea of spirit and mind? The soul is like a creative mind, while the mind is like a creative body. If we were to compare the soul and the mind, we would find that the spirit is immortal, while the mind is not immortal but can only be matured. We are always learning and changing and this process will cause us to become more mature and creative.
Where can we find the connection between the spirit and the mind? We can find this in education. Education is the most creative medium that can help us understand the relationship between the spirit, soul, mind, and creative spirit. If you have a problem and you cannot seem to conclude, don't give up. Sometimes all it takes is an outside perspective to help simplify things up.
So what is we can find the difference between the soul and the mind in education and learning? Educating the surrounding people is the best way to help our souls strengthen into more creative and immortal beings. The soul is waiting for you to help it strengthen into a more creative being.
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